Join our growing family
Volunteering has many rewards. Rewards for the people you are helping, rewards for yourself, and of course, rewards to society.
Helping victims of sexual abuse and sex trafficking regain their stolen dreams, giving them a voice, and supporting the re-emergence of their dignity is a gift worth giving.
Breaking the silence together by freeing the spirit from bondage and shame about our sexual abuse experience, and by healing the inner wounds through spoken words, is an experience worth experiencing.

"I stay in the “life” because I don’t have a skill.
Nobody will hire me knowing my past of being trafficked. I will never pass background check. I have a record at the police as prostitution/drug addict.
I am illiterate and can’t even fill out an application. Nobody at the workplace would understand my PTSD. I can’t work for minimum wage raising my kid. It cost a lot of money to buy food, clothes and send them to childcare, while I can earn fast money, selling my body.
As a child I had a dream... but that dream has been stolen by being trafficked, and now I don’t know how to start the process of bringing that dream back to life.
Doing things alone is overwhelming, therefore,
I need help, but there's no place to get help.”